Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To (really) be continued...

To anyone who actually reads my blog (and do not worry, I am totally fine if I have only three followers, it isn't like I am doing anything myself to promote my blog),

I am still here!  I have read a lot of great books recently (in the last few months); the reason I have not posted is an age-old one: time.  The last few weeks of school meant any Internet time was school-devoted. Then, the first few weeks of summer I just wanted to relax and not go anywhere near any kind of computer unless it was to check email..  I started an internship this summer that has kept me well and busy, with little time for blogging.  As I mentioned before, though, all this has meant that I have read many books, about all of which I will write my customary one or two paragraphs (or more, depending on the book).

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